
Kaast Grinding Machine Handles Large Workpieces

The R-Grind HD cylindrical grinders are able to accommodate workpieces up to 31" × 156" and/or 4,400 lbs.


ANCA Grinding Solution Provides Flexible Five-Axis Machining

The TX7 Linear and TXcell Linear provide flexibility in the applications that can be put through it than other three-axis grinders more traditionally used for punch manufacturing.


The Keys to Combining High- and Low-Volume Production

Process expertise and precise production planning enable the Kinetic Company to produce both high- and low-volume jobs requiring machining, grinding, heat treatment and other processes.


Steady Culture, Flexible Plans Enable Custom Tooling Success

By late 2019, West Ohio Tool’s client list only spanned one page. The company overhauled its culture and is now on track for its most successful year ever.


Supertec Grinders Machine Small, Thin Parts

Available in both Plunge and Anglehead designs, Supra grinders offer a work envelope of 10" swing × 20", 30" or 40" between centers.


Joint Ribbon Cutting at Fagor, Danobat Showrooms

Danobat and Fagor co-hosted an inaugural event for their co-located facilities in the Chicago area.


Chevalier Rotary Surface Grinders Provide Efficient Production

The FRG-400/600S Series is designed for heavy loads and is fully enclosed for CNC rotary surface grinding.


United Grinding's New Ranges Provide Economical Solutions

United Grinding’s Studer, Blohm and Walter brands are offering new grinding technology for job shops.


Vollmer's Grinding Machine Features Double-Spindle Design

Eastec 2023: VGrinds are said to be suitable for machining rotary tools made from carbide, such as drills, milling cutters or reamers.


Grinding Technology Prepares Manufacturers for Business Challenges

Studer’s automation solutions, S100 flexible grinding machine and intelligent coolant system can help users with unattended machining, machining a range of workpieces and saving energy.